This summer we are offering different opportunities for volunteering, but also participation in evironmental youth exchanges. Let’s start
1. ESC volunteering team from 13th until 30th of July # Co-creating rural spaces with 16 volunteers from France, Italy, Spain, Germany and Kosovo! – FULL!
2. International workcamp in Bear Sanctuary Prishtina from 14th until 26th of July! Open for 14 volunteers!

3. International workcamp in Draganac Monastery from 20th until 28th July open for 10 volunteers, ideally from the region.

4. What’s in the socket Youth Exchange about energy in Koblenz, Germany from 3rd until 11th August for 25 young people from Kosovo, Germany, Serbia, Poland and France!

5. DISCOver permaCULTURE Youth Exchange in Bozevce, on Permaculture in Bozevce, Kosovo, from 22 until 30 August, open for 20 young adults from 4 Albania, Kosovo, Serbia and Austria.
In order to apply, please fill out this application form. The deadline for applying is 5th July 2024! You will receive an answer by the latest 20th July 🙂
6. What’s in the socket – part 2 in Bozevce, from 22nd until 29th of September (dates to be confirmed)
7. ESC volunteering team – end of October / beginning of November (dates to be confirmed)
For any questions, please contact us via email: [email protected]