We are all Made out of Mud

The project is closed! A lot have happened in the field of mud 🙂 The project included the following activities: Preparation meeting (Slovenia, September 2021 Training course for organizing YEs, workcamps, group ESC and similar international groups on natural building (Kosovo, October 2021) Youth exchange on natural building with the focus on gender equity (Kosovo, May 2022) Volunteering…

Youth Exchange on Natural Building in Mošorin, Serbia

WHEN? WHERE? WHO? We are inviting you to apply for a Youth Exchange on Natural Building and Social Inclusion, which will take place between the 10th and the 19th of June 2023 (arrival and departure date included), in the village of Mosorin, Serbia.  This Youth Exchange will host 30 young adults from Serbia, Kosovo, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania and Turkey for 8 days to learn and discover about Natural building…

Mobility projects

Mobility projects for youth and youth worker Non-formal and informal learning enable young people to acquire essential competences that contribute to their personal and socio-educational development and foster their active participation in society, thereby improving their employment prospects. Through their participation in learning mobility activities, youth workers develop skills relevant for their professional development, foster…