(23rd – 29th June 2013 Hotel Montana, Krusevo, Republic of Macedonia)
GAIA & Regional network “Regional youth action against discrimination and militarism” invite you to the second international youth “Regional summer school 2013“ that will take place in Krusevo, Macedonia, from 23rd till 29th of June 2013.
If you are between 18 and 26 years old, and you want to be active in combating discrimination, militarism, work on peace building, you are active and open minded, seek to gain and expand your experience and knowledge, work in local communities, it would be our pleasure if you would be our participant on Regional summer school 2013.
Applicants should be coming from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia.
Call is open from May 24th 2013 and the deadline for submitting your application is June 9th 2013. Accepted candidates will be informed not later than June 14th 2013.
Regional summer school will gather it’s second generation of 60 participants. Topics will include discrimination, militarism and peace building, development of activist potential for combating discrimination, gender and gender discrimination.
Listed topics will be addressed through interactive workshops, presentations, work in plenary and small groups. Lectures and workshops will be led by team of experienced trainers from the region.
We encourage youth social activists that did not have a chance to attend such educations, and/or those who recently became active in their organizations, to apply for participation on Regional summer school 2013.
More information about the Regional summer school in 2012 can be found on http://www.stopdiskriminacija.net/new/en/activities/summer-school/73-summer-school.html
Info Pack, application & invitation: www.stopdiskriminacija.net/SummerSchool.zip.