THIRRJE PER VULLNETARË/E LOKAL/ POZIV ZA LOKALNE VOLONTERE/ CALL FOR LOCAL VOLUNTEERS (SHQ)THIRRJE PER VULLNETARË/E LOKAL Programi i GAIA Kosovo në Mitrovicë po kërkon katër vullnetarë/e për me ju bashku ekipës së Hapësinës Shoqnore për Dekonstruksion (SSD), duke fillu prej muajit gusht 2021. Disa fjalë rreth Hapësinës shoqnore për dekonstruksion dhe GAIA-ën Misioni i GAIA-ës…

Acts of Solidarity in times of (in)differences in Mitrovica

A view from Mitrovica, picture: Shenoll Çulanxhi Acts of Solidarity in times of (in)differences in Mitrovica On the 15th of March, The Youth Gathering “Acts of Solidarity in times of (in)Differences” started in the city of Mitrovica. Implemented by GAIA’s team there and supported by the European Youth Foundation, the project brought together nine participants…

Finding new perspectives in the divide

Finding new perspectives in the divide In many aspects, Mitrovica is not an ordinary city. Kosovars who do not live in Mitrovica will often be quite puzzled when you tell them that you’ve decided to come back volunteering for another year. Most of the time, thinking about Mitrovica only brings out images of ethnic division…

Poetic Dreams

Poetic Dreams From the 12th till the 14th of January, a temporary exhibition of poems took place in Mitrovica’s Mehë Uka square. During this time of pandemic, in which gathering and activities can not be launched, the Social Space for Deconstruction thought about a different approach. Hence, instead of bringing children in the newly created…

Call for Applications, Youth Gathering: Acts of solidarity in times of (in)differences

[ENG] Open Call for Applications  Youth Gathering: Acts of solidarity in times of (in)differences From the 15th until the 24th of March 2021, GAIA Kosovo is organising a youth gathering on media literacy and collection of stories in Mitrovica. The youth gathering is open for 12 young people from Kosovo.  During the 10 days of…

Two stories of volunteers in Mitrovica

The stories of Célia and Hugo, volunteers in GAIA’s Mitrovica program In February 2019, Hugo and Célia, two French volunteers, joined the program of GAIA Kosovo in the ethnically divided town of Mitrovica. For one year, they became active members of the GAIA team, contributing to organize various events and workshops, or creating partnerships on…