Thirrje për aplikim: Përkthim kreativ i poezive / Call for applications: Creative poetry translation

Kamp i shkrimit dhe përkthimit kreativ Nisur me besimin e fortë në fuqinë transformues të imagjinatës poetike për të frymëzuar ndyshim në mjedisin dhe veten tonë, GAIA Kosovo dhe qendra rinore CK13 Novi Sad hapin thirrje për pjesëmarrës nga Kosova* për kampin e shkrimit dhe përkthimit kreativ, i cili do të mbahet nga 12 deri…

Building with nature in mind – publication & posters

This is our first publication on natural building in Albanian and Serbian languges. It can be downloaded for free here: DORACAK I NDËRTIMIT NATYRAL GRADNJA S PRIRODOM NA UMU Information posters on natural building produced by the volunteers of GAIA. Bellow you can find posters about natural building, natural insulation, Rocket Mass Heater, Straw bale…

Climate 4 Change posters and publication

The publication about problems and solutions, about climate change, causes and impacts, politics, human rights and climate justice movement is available in Albanian, Serbian and English language. Klima për ndrshym: problemet dhe zgjidhjet Klima za promenu: problemi i rešenja Climate 4 change: Problems and solutions POSTERS FOR SCHOOLS Climate 4 Change posters for schools available…

Politicial debate on climate change and future – Climate action day

CLIMATE ACTION DAY POLITICAL DEBATE 17.00 – 19.00, December 13 Red Hall, Youth and Sports Palace, Prishtina Where is the future generation in Kosovo’s agenda? Together with representatives of several political parties (PSD, VV, AKR-NISMA, and hopefully few more…) and young people, we will open a debate on the most burning (literally) topic of present…

Permaculture program in Bozevce

The program aims to establish an estate based on permaculture ethics and principles which will be an inspiring example for social and environmental regeneration. The program involves GAIA members, long-term and short term volunteers, and is open to other people interested in the restoration of relations between people and nature. The program offers educational and…

Peacebuilding program in Mitrovica

The team in Mitrovica intends to work towards breaking down multiple barriers in an inert divided city. By creating opportunities for people of different backgrounds to meet, the program will improve common understanding between the people of the city, and ensure more sustainable peace. As the team approaches cultural and educational organizations from all parts…